Styles and Models of Coaching Part 3
Styles and Models of Coaching Part 3

Styles and Models of Coaching Part 3

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Popular Coaching Models

1. GROW Model
Goal: Setting a clear and specific goal that the client wants to achieve.
Reality: Examining the current reality of the client’s situation, including any challenges or obstacles.
Options: Generating a range of potential options and strategies for achieving the goal.
Will: Committing to an action plan and holding the client accountable for following through with it.

2. SPACE Model
Social: Examining the individual’s social context, including relationships with others and their support network.
Physical/Psychological: Examining the individual’s physical and psychological health and well-being.
Actions: Identifying specific actions that the individual needs to take to achieve their goals.
Cognition: Exploring the individual’s thinking patterns, beliefs, and attitudes.
Emotion: Examining the individual’s emotional state and identifying ways to manage emotions and increase resilience.

3. CLARITY Model
Context: Examining the individual’s context and understanding the factors that have led to their current situation.
Life Event: Exploring any significant life events that have impacted the individual’s situation.
Actions: Identifying specific actions that the individual needs to take to achieve their goals.
Reactions: Examining the individual’s emotional and behavioral reactions to their situation.
Images and Identity: Exploring the individual’s self-image and identity.
Thoughts: Examining the individual’s thinking patterns and beliefs.
Your Future Choice: Identifying specific actions and strategies to move forward and achieve the desired outcome.

4. ABCDEF Model
Activity (event): Identifying the specific activity or event that triggered the negative thinking pattern.
Belief: Examining the individual’s belief or interpretation of the event.
Consequence: Identifying the consequences of the negative thinking pattern.
Dispute (change belief): Challenging the negative thinking pattern and identifying alternative beliefs or interpretations.
Effective New Response: Identifying new, more positive responses to the event.
Future Focus: Focusing on the individual’s goals and identifying strategies to achieve them.

5. OSKAR Model
Outcome: Identifying the desired outcome or goal.
Scaling: Rating the individual’s current progress on a scale of 0-10.
Know-how: Identifying the individual’s strengths and resources.
Affirm and Action: Affirming the individual’s progress and identifying specific actions to achieve the goal.
Review: Reviewing progress and adjusting the plan as necessary.

6. TGROW Model
Topic: Identifying the topic or issue to be addressed.
Goal: Identifying the specific goal or outcome.
Reality: Examining the current reality and identifying any challenges or obstacles.
Options: Generating a range of options and strategies for achieving the goal.
Will: Committing to an action plan and addressing any emotional or intuitive barriers to success.

7. CLEAR Model
Contracting: Establishing a clear and collaborative coaching agreement.
Listening: Actively listening to the individual and demonstrating empathy and understanding.
Exploring: Asking open-ended questions to explore the individual’s thoughts and feelings.
Action: Identifying specific actions and strategies to achieve the goal.
Review: Reviewing progress and adjusting the plan as necessary.

8. ERICA Model
Emotion Regulation: Identifying emotions and developing strategies to regulate them.
Resilience: Building resilience and coping skills.
Interpersonal Effectiveness: Developing effective communication and interpersonal skills.
Coping Flexibility: Identifying and developing coping strategies.
Awareness: Developing self-awareness and mindfulness.

9. SMART Model
Specific: Setting a clear and specific goal.
Measurable: Identifying ways to measure progress towards the goal.
Achievable: Ensuring that the goal is achievable and realistic.
Relevant: Ensuring that the goal is relevant to the individual’s needs and priorities.
Time-bound: Setting a clear deadline for achieving the goal.

10. ADKAR Model
Awareness: Building awareness of the need for change.
Desire: Generating a desire to make the change.
Knowledge: Providing knowledge and skills to support the change.
Ability: Building the ability and confidence to make the change.
Reinforcement: Reinforcing the change to ensure that it sticks.

11. Co-Active Coaching Model
Fulfillment: Helping the client identify their values and passions and align their actions with them.
Balance: Helping the client find balance in their life and work.
Process: Helping the client stay present in the moment and take actions that align with their goals and values.

12. Solution Circle Model
Define the Issue: Identifying the specific issue to be addressed.
Explore Current Reality: Examining the current reality and any obstacles or challenges.
Explore Desired Reality: Identifying the ideal outcome or solution.
Explore Options: Generating a range of potential options and solutions.
Create an Action Plan: Identifying specific actions to achieve the desired outcome.
Review Progress: Reviewing progress and adjusting the plan as necessary.

13. PERMA Model
Positive Emotions: Focusing on positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, and contentment.
Engagement: Engaging in activities that provide a sense of flow and absorption.
Relationships: Cultivating positive relationships with others.
Meaning: Identifying and pursuing activities that provide a sense of purpose and meaning.
Accomplishment: Setting and achieving goals to build self-esteem and confidence.

14. Wheel of Life
Assessing an individual’s satisfaction and balance across different areas of their life by rating each segment (e.g., career, relationships, health) and identifying areas for improvement.

15. Inner Game
Non-judgmental Awareness: Cultivating a non-judgmental awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Letting Go of Interference: Letting go of any self-limiting beliefs or fears that may be interfering with performance.

16. Johari Window
Open Area: Known to self and others.
Blind Area: Unknown to self but known to others.
Hidden Area: Known to self but unknown to others.
Unknown Area: Unknown to self and others.

17. SBI Model
Situation: Describing the specific situation or behavior that needs to be addressed.
Behavior: Describing the specific behavior or action that needs to be changed or improved.
Impact: Describing the impact of the behavior on others or on the situation.

18. 5 Whys
Asking “why” questions five times in succession to identify the root cause of a problem.

19. SCARF Model
Status: Perceived importance or rank of the individual.
Certainty: Level of predictability and stability in the environment.
Autonomy: Level of control and choice an individual has over their situation.
Relatedness: Degree of connection and social support an individual feels.
Fairness: Perception of fairness and justice in the situation.

20. Four Rooms of Change
Room of Contentment: Content with the current situation.
Room of Denial: In denial about the need for change.
Room of Confusion: Confused and uncertain about how to proceed.
Room of Renewal: Accepted the need for change and ready to move forward.

21. Inner Resilience Model
Mindfulness: Cultivating awareness and acceptance of one’s thoughts and emotions.
Connection: Building strong connections with others and fostering a sense of belonging.
Compassion: Practicing self-compassion and compassion towards others.

22. WOOP Model
Wish: Identifying the specific goal or wish.
Outcome: Identifying the desired outcome or result.
Obstacle: Identifying the main obstacle or challenge that may prevent achieving the goal.
Plan: Identifying specific actions to overcome the obstacle and achieve the goal.

Styles And Models Of Coaching Part 1

Styles And Models Of Coaching Part 2

Styles And Models Of Coaching Part 3


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